Wednesday, September 29, 2010

innovative chain of 'health stores' bring quality medicines and business opportunities to Kenyans

Image: The HealthStore Foundation
Hey everyone, it's great to be back! My phone line and DSL service was own of commission for a week, so it's been a little while since I've been able to share stories with you. Here's a great one:

The HealthStore Foundation is the brainchild of Scott Hillstrom, a Minnesota lawyer and entrepreneur. He conceived his unique hybrid of for-profit franchise and non-profit humanitarian effort when he learned how an inefficient and sometimes corrupt governmental system made it difficult to obtain affordable and effective medicines from knowledgeable staff. He hit upon the franchise model because it would incorporate a system that thoroughly trains pharmacy owners, and holds every franchise accountable to strict guidelines of quality and effectiveness in order to stay open.

While the HealthStore Foundations chain of pharmacy/clinics CFW Shops (Child and Family Wellness Shops) are for-profit businesses for local entrepreneurs, no one is turned away. Rather, those who can pay do, and the difference is covered by these small profits and additional funds donated by the Foundation. 

To date, CFW shops have treated hundreds of thousands of people, saving lives from preventable diseases such as malaria and respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses. They also offer advice and tools in order to prevent disease. 

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